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Is sensory play really that important?

Written by English For Fun | May 22, 2019 12:04:17 PM

Yes! Sensory play encourages discovery and independent thinking, as well as inspiring imagination and creativity. Research shows that there are many different ways in which sensory play can benefit a child’s development and learning.

We try to expose the children to so many different types of sensory learning activities, but it’s always good to explain to you families why we are doing so and what the benefits are.

Brain Development:

Engaging a child in sensory play helps strengthen their brain development for

learning, which enhances their memory and ability to complete more complex learning tasks.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills:

Children identify objects by touch during tactile sensory play, which helps them develop their fine and gross motor skills – such as squeezing, pulling, pushing and throwing.

Problem Solving Skills:

By experimenting with different objects during sensory play, children develop problem-solving skills and decision-making skills. They begin to find solutions to obstacles they come across during sensory play – such as ‘how to make sand stick together’.

Language Development:

Sensory play helps children learn new ways of talking about the world. It supports their language development and encourages them to communicate effectively with others whilst playing.

Cognitive Growth:

Sensory play supports a child’s cognitive growth; enhancing their thought process, understanding and reasoning. As children manipulate new materials, they learn to understand new concepts – such as ‘sink and float’.

Social Interaction:

A positive sensory play environment encourages children to interact and work with others effectively, which is essential for a child’s development. They begin to share their ideas and build new relationships.


Therapeutic sensory play, using items such as light up toys and therapy balls, can help calm an anxious or restless child.


Sensory play encourages children to adapt in new situations. They begin to learn that they can use sensory play resources in a variety of ways and differentiate between different scenarios through discovery.