The Power of Constructive Feedback and Working to do Better
Hello all! We wanted to get our blog jumpstarted again so we thought we would share one of our...
4 years of elections has taken its toll on this country. Last night...last week...last month (can't remember by now)…
Another election and still NO GOVERNMENT and NO CLEAR WINNER. It's the second election this year and the 4th election in 4 years. I guess elections are seasonal now in Spain?
Spanish Elections and the movie Groundhogs Day have Something in Common
Confederacy of Dunces should be on everyone’s reading list to understand modern day politics, fake news, that inefficient blowhard at the office, and even the know-it-all parent in the WhatsApp group at your child’s school:
Until we have formed a government in Spain, I plan to blog and highlight the ridiculousness of this entire situation. I plan to educate our leaders in the same way that we educate children. I think politicians are using permanent elections to buy time and avoid WORKING! IT is so much easier to grandstand and criticize than to actually solve problems (Ignatius J Reilly).
Kids Can teach us a thing or maybe politicians should look to our children to learn a few LIFE lessons...
How to collaborate with people for the good of the community (watch and learn you overgrown children):
Working together is not always EASY but it is more FUN (click for this FUN on YouTube)
And our expert Heather can teach these "adults" how to manage emotions:
Which is precisely why I think someone should listen to ME. Sometimes an “outside” voice brings in new and creative solutions (SEE the whole DESIGN THINKING movement-which is simply Reggio Emilia for ADULTS)…
Here is what makes me qualified to have my opinions about Spain:
Studying human development has become a bit of a hobby for me. I am always questioning NO and asking WHY…to the dislike of many! I have learned that the biggest motivator, worldwide, is FEAR. Yet some of us function better than others when we are afraid and that has to do with how we were prepared, early on, to handle FEAR. Our resilience is 100% based on our preparation…and how we learn to believe in ourselves.
And we can only learn resilience through good old fashion FAILURE:
Don't "FLIP" out, Cloe will be OK! She had something we call GRIT
What a metaphor for LIFE! Once again, children remind us how to behave in adulthood. No worries...Cloe is met with care immediately:
And FEAR does NOT hold her back:
How we get ourselves out of FEARful situations has everything to do with our belief that we CAN and WILL be OK. Learning to fight is an important life skill and if we do not practice it in childhood by learning how to take care of ourselves, it is hard to be prepared for adulthood.
My goal is to eliminate FEAR to prepare US all for the 21st century. I believe that quality 0-6 education is a FEAR shield.
We need to evolve education into a system of equality, one that can only happen by educating in the American way (not Trump America but the good old fundamentals of what America represents):
It is simple…we are competitive and curious by nature. It is in our history. Those who did not want to conform to British rule (or Spanish, etc.) left their countries to get to the land of opportunity, creating a melting pot of cultures.
With that drive, and that pressure to succeed (proving to families back home that immigration was worth it), the country is always influencing and adapting to changes. How do you think we became a superpower in the first place?
Did we really land on the moon first? Does it matter? It worked!
That confidence and trusting our instinctual intelligence is what keeps us moving forward.
The current American president and the past American president are both stories of people we NEVER THOUGHT would win. They prove that in a country like American, you can do anything that you put your mind to!
Thanks to that competition, educational research is heavily funded in the U.S. and the CONTINUOUS LEARNING we do as educators plays a key role in the innovation and the adaptation that you find in America. WE pay WAY too much for our university education, but then the system requires that we get our $$$ worth. The financial entitlement allows us to have high expectations and we have to constantly innovate based on the research. The newest theories are invented to correct errors in the system…full circle and adapting fast. No one is complacent with the status quo because we are alway naturally wanting MORE. I’m not saying that it is right, I’m just saying that the rest of the world can benefit from what this competition has to offer!
This is one of the MANY reasons why I choose American education for my own children, even though we live in Spain.
American education in hard to do and that is why it is harder to find than British education. And it is why WE educate the American way at English for Fun (U.S.A. NECPA Accredited School). We also comply with the standards of the NAEYC which is the most recognized early childhood organization worldwide.
The British, "cookie-cutter" accreditation systems make it a lot easier to follow and implement but harder to individualize for a child and a culture.
And the British are savvy because they pick and choose the best practices that they use:
American Schools Worldwide = 197 British School Worldwide = 2,200
The American schools were built originally to offer quality education to its citizens living abroad (Expat schools). They are built on the details, quality and high expectations that you would expect to find in America. Historically, British schools were found throughout the world to instill their values in their colonies. And colonization has to be standardized or else it is impossible to manage! The British schools are commonly in areas with a population willing to follow. I admire the British. When they find a receptive population to SAVE or Conquer, they can overpopulate it with English regulations and testing systems and sell their examination preparation courses. They are brilliant masterminds at selling superiority and convincing the locals that their system is needed! That works well in countries with low-quality education. It is great for school owners with limited knowledge about education. But it is not the best model if you are a HUMAN and you want your children to be confident and well-prepared for whatever may come in the 21st century.
It is harder to comply with American standards? YES
Is it is MUCH HARDER to find a larger and legal staff that understands how to educate in an American way and meet the proper degree requirements? YES
Is student learning better if the demands of the United States give an example for others to follow? ... SIGN US UP (Madrid)! SIGN US UP (Pozuelo)!
Children need respectful spaces where they can learn in a group and grow. Students need the support of trained and qualified educators in classrooms that have low student to teacher ratios. Schools accredited in the U.S have guidelines to follow in order to meet the needs of children and learning. These standards, called Best Practices, are research-based and we are required to strictly follow them. The standards cover all necessary policies in order to operate a school that is safe and stimulating for children. Best Practices cover health and hygiene, safety and facilities, curriculum and planning, educator qualifications and overall operations. Most importantly, they give guidelines on how many children can fit in classrooms/outdoors SAFELY and how many students should be in the care of each teacher in order to successfully meet each child's needs and they depend on the child’s months of birth. Here is a comparison of what is happening in American Classrooms and what is happening in Spain:
Our "political" platform is 100% about overcoming FEAR to SURVIVE Midorexic adults throughout the world!
Here is why English for Fun students will be gifted politicians, business owners, lawyers, actors or whatever they darn well please:
As Americans, we have a lot of pressure to lead. It goes with being a superpower. But how do you think that superpower status was built? You guessed it…it was built by an educational system that has driven us to work efficiently and succeed under pressure! The US ONLY brings this confidence and innovation and a competitive drive because of the foundation of our education system! And our families have the advantage of getting the best curriculum for their children, taught in the most important language for business (English).
Jill Stribling is the owner and founder of English for Fun, passionately educating with respect for children for 23 years, and a mother of two THRIVING bilingual future adults, Nico and Olivia. She is dedicated and inspired by empowering children and families through FEAR elimination. Jill developed the methodology for English for Fun language academy and began her adventure in mompreneuring in 2008 where 5000+ children have successfully learned to live in English. She proves that with curiosity, confidence, determination, resilience and GRIT, anything is possible! You can find Jill on Linkedin and Instagram at @lifeforfun_es.
Hello all! We wanted to get our blog jumpstarted again so we thought we would share one of our...
Yes! Sensory play encourages discovery and independent thinking, as well as inspiring imagination...